Knowledge Base


how to make event

How to make an event

Oktion is a complete fundraising event management platform that offers silent auctions, raffles, donation collection and ticket management.Read more


How to make a silent auction

Auctions are one of the four fundraising features offered by Oktion. To add a silent auction to your eventRead more

How do I re-order my raffle prizes?

How do I re-order my raffle prizes?   Re-order raffle […]Read more

Writing an Auction Item Description

Writing an Auction Item Description

You’ve gathered your items and started adding them to your Oktion group. Now you’re on to the hard part: writing an auction item descriptionRead more

Can I display my auction on a projector?

Launch Wall The auction wall is a live display of […]Read more

Can I display my raffle on a projector?

Launch Wall The raffle wall is a live display of […]Read more

How to add a raffle feature to your event

Oktion is a complete fundraising event management platform that offers silent auctions, raffles, donation collection and ticket management.Read more